
Over recent years a huge amount of educational research has been conducted into how we learn. As an academy we are constantly striving to enhance the learning experiences and outcomes for all of our students.

Accordingly, over the last few years we have developed and implemented a Teaching and Learning strategy based upon the core principles of the latest most applicable research. All staff receive ongoing training on our Teaching and Learning framework, which is central to the culture and policies of the academy. As an academy we refer to this framework as OPTIC (optimising teacher impact in the classroom).

At it's heart is a recognition that effective learning can only be achieved through a partnership between student and teachers. As an academy, our commitment to our students is to provide effective teaching. Teachers achieve this high-quality first teaching through:

  • Establishing a positive and purposeful learning environment
  • Thoughtful planning which connects learning to prior learning
  • Clear instructions and explanations
  • Questioning students' to check their understanding
  • Having positive relations and high expectations
  • teaching and learning

    teaching and learning optic model

    In return we expect all our students to demonstrate the following effective learning behaviours at all times; communicate, actively listen, ask questions, collaborate, ask for and respond to feedback, reason, practice/ rehearse, make connections, organise learning, monitor and reflect on progress and set targets.

    The explicit teaching of subject specific vocabulary and reading is prioritised across the curriculum. Students are asked to use this vocabulary within lessons or they challenged to 'say it again better' to ensure they talk, think and write like a scientist/ historian/ linguist etc. Our tutor led reading programme alongside our subject specific reading develops students' automaticity, comprehension and enjoyment in reading'

    As parents/guardians we ask your assistance in instilling and enforcing these behaviours in your daughter/son in order, that they and their classmates may reach their full educational potential. Students will be asked to carry on their learning at home. Please support students by asking them to; remove any sources of distraction (e.g. put away unnecessary devices) answer in full sentences, read material prior to answering a questions, proof-read answers and not to plagiarise and always try their hardest.

    Our current cohort have shown great resilience in the face of great adversity and we as an academy are immensely proud by the way in which they have risen to these challenges. Thank you in anticipation of your continued support.

    Mrs Hodgson Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)

    For more information please see our Teaching & Learning Booklet
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