
Who can I contact?
There is a huge amount of pastoral support at the academy. In the first instance you should always contact your child's personal tutor. If the matter is more serious or urgent you can contact your child's Head of Year or the senior leader attached to the year group. Mr Stanton (Assistant Headteacher: Student Development) is also available for students and parents.

Please click on the Head of Year or senior leader to email them, or right click on the name to copy the email address. The academy can also be contacted directly using office@macademy.org.uk and by phone on 01642 800800

Year Group Head of Year Senior Leader Link
Year 7 Mr O Gilbank Mrs S Driffill
Mrs A Tumelty
Year 8 Mrs H Richardson Mr A Jordan
Year 9 Mrs S Barrett Mrs C Hodgson
Year 10 Mr T Smith Mr C Ball
Mr N Stott
Year 11 Miss S Parkinson Mr C Ball
Mr A King
Post 16 Mrs A Scott